change & tiny living.

within. had it’s beginnings in Wellington. It is a creative outlet that over time has become an amazing mirror to the internal world of my being.

When naming the brand I couldn’t understand why the name ‘within’ resonated with me so strongly, but over time it’s revealed itself as a lens magnifying what was there all along but I could not yet see.

For differing reasons the last few years have been…well, words can’t actually describe. What I can say, though, is that out of it I have become a new creation. Where there was many dead and dying parts, there is now life and freedom. I found myself within the depths of this time. There is still more to learn and walk in but release and wholeness is there.

My husband and I and our two children are now living in Taumarunui. Taumarunui means place of abundant shelter or shade. We live in a tiny house on beautiful land where the stars shine bright and birds sing loudly! I love the simplicity and the shedding that’s taken place, a removal of things that weren’t needed any longer to make room for life.

Laura 🤍

Laura Jones